Username Module


Username Module allows customer to login using email or username. We have the username field in registration form. This field has the following validations:

1. Each customer has a unique username.
2. We have regular expression validation (Example -Special characters are not allowed – only Alphanumeric)
3. We can restrict Username length using admin config.

We can create customer with username from admin as well. Username will display in My account page(along with first name and last name). In checkout page, customer can login using email or username. It automatically generates username from email address if the customer logged into the store via Google, Facebook, LinkedIn etc[social Login]

Example Email:
Username will be testcustomer13456789 (it will take 1st 20 characters)


Backend option to enable or disable the Module
Backend option to restrict username length
Backend option to validate username with regular expression
Backend option to display error message for regular expression validation
Customer can login using username or email address
Customer can enter username or email address in forget password section
Each customer will have unique username
In checkout page also Customer can login using username or email address
Customer can view or update their username in my account section
Username generates automatically from the email address if the customer logged in via Facebook, Google, LinkedIn etc.

Release Notes


Compatible with Open Source (CE): 2.3 & 2.4

Compatible with Commerce on prem (EE): 2.3 & 2.4

Stability: Stable Build


Initial Version.


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Codem is led by a group of eCommerce executives with each having over 20 years of eCommerce experience

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Phone: (650) 666-4260
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(UEN: 201814993N)

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